Next Stage Roadmaps, LLC
Next Stage Roadmaps, LLC
Helping Adults Transition Into Retirement and Their Next Stage of Life
Mission: Our mission is to help adults transition successfully into Retirement and their Next Stage of Life after their midcareer and midlife. Successfully making this transition is often challenging, because adults are usually going from a very structured work, career, social, and family environment into a very unstructured, unknown environment (What’s next?).
Difficulty: Moving into Retirement and this Next Stage, adults sometimes have a hard time finding their new purpose and meaning, learning how to use their huge amount of new free time, deciding what kind of activities they want to do, trying new things, overcoming a fear of failure, setting goals and deadlines, leaving their work identities and reinventing themselves if they so desire.
Opportunity: Our mantra for adults is that Retirement and this Next Stage can last between the ages of 50 and 95, can be a wonderful new stage of life, and with good planning and tools that we provide, this stage can be an extremely positive, exciting, and adventurous period to try new things or undertake activities you have always wanted to try.

What We Do - Our Services Include:
1. Retirement Coaching: Retirement Coaching for individuals and couples
2. Retirement Course: An integrated, 5-week Retirement Course for organizations entitled Retirement and Your Next Stage of Life.
See our Services page for more details.